• Applications will be examined between 1 April and 20 June in three main phases:

     1st selection phase: examination of the admissibility of applications

    The admissibility of applications is assessed by the Thales Solidarity team and involves checking that the documents submitted by the applicant are complete.

    2nd selection phase: pre-selection of applications by the selection committee

    Applications considered complete are then forwarded by the Thales Solidarity team to a selection committee.

    3rd selection phase: choice of winners by the Jury

    The selection committee then forwards the best-rated applications to the Chairman of the Jury, which is made up of around ten members.

    For more information, see the STEM for All Prize regulations.

  • The STEM for All programme aims to promote young students from diverse backgrounds to study and pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The programme is run in partnership with the Academy of Technology. Each year, prizes or school grants are awarded to around fifty students enrolled on a course leading to a degree in the STEM field.

  • Applications may be submitted by candidates who meet the following criteria:  

    • Demonstrate a strong motivation and vocation for Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics;
    • Be a 1st year student (in preparatory classes for engineering schools or post-baccalaureate engineering schools, or in science or technology universities);
    •  Be resident in the European Economic Area (only France and Belgium in 2025, then the whole EEA from 2026);
    • Be able to justify economic difficulties in financing their studies;
    •  Be able to present one or more letters of recommendation from teachers;
    •  Undertake to continue studies beyond the first year (enrolment in the second year).
  • Yes, foreign students can apply. You will need to provide a valid residence permit and proof that you have successfully completed your first semester in the STEM programme.

  • Each year, the Thales Solidarity Endowment Fund awards 40 STEM for All prizes. 

  • 2025 applications must be submitted exclusively online via the dedicated platform from 6 January 2025 and before 31 March at 23:59.

    • Completed application form, including a commitment to pursue a second year of study in STEM;
    • Motivation letter explaining the student's background and interest in STEM;
    • 1st year STEM student card;
    • Transcript of baccalaureate grades and first year results;
    • Signed letter(s) of recommendation from a teacher or administrator at the student's high school, college or university;
    •  Short video (made on phone or tablet) of no more than two minutes explaining how, in the applicant's view, STEM can help make the world safer, more inclusive and more innovative;
    • Candidate's CV;
    • Parents' tax returns;
    • Family record book;
    •  Duly signed authorization form for the use and reproduction of images or documents, allowing the organizers of the “STEM for All” program to use the photo, the video and certain elements of the application (with the exception of the means test and the family
  • No, the competition is free.

  • The winners are awarded a prize by Thales Solidarity in the form of a maximum donation of €5,000 paid in two instalments, as well as support from a Thales mentor for 1 year.

  • The winner must attend the awards ceremony. Travel expenses will be covered. The winner agrees to take part in the mentoring programme for 1 year.

  • No, the STEM for All prize is not taxable.